Hi, I am Hao (👋): a coder, a woodworker, a blogger, and a father.
MacOS automation and shortcuts with Hammerspoon
June 2, 2017


I have been committing to free my hand from mouse for a very long time. As a programmer, it’s easy to get frustrated when I have to switch from mouse and keyboard. That’s why I use Hammerspoon – a perfect solution for macOS automation. I will list some of my most useful features when I use Hammerspoon in this post.

First of all, even though Lua has a very simple module manage system. I intend not to use it since I want to just copy and paste my configuration file text from Github. I don’t want to setup some sort of git repo for ./hammerspoon, even though it seems more intuitive. I don’t have too many requirements from Hammerspoon. I think it should be a very simple helper tool for developers.

My recipes of ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua

Open application with alt + X

This is one of my favorite feature. Opening an application by holding two keys in the keyboard, is something I’ve used for year since I used Windows. Before I discovered Hammerspoon, I have tried Bettertools and Alfred (with PowerPack) to do that. But Bettertools involves a lot of unnecessary feaetures, and PowerPack is expensive.

Here is my simple solution with Hammerspoon:

function open(name)
    return function()
        if name == 'Finder' then

--- quick open applications
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "E", open("Finder"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "C", open("Google Chrome"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "T", open("iTerm"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "X", open("Xcode"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "S", open("Sublime Text"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "V", open("Visual Studio Code"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "I", open("IntelliJ IDEA"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "M", open("NeteaseMusic"))

So that I can just tap alt and c to open Chrome. Finder app is a special case but the other apps should be about the same. This approach will sacrifice the native function of the alt key which is to enter Greek alphabet but I can live with it.

Open a Chrome tab with alt + ?

For some apps such as Slack, I want to run it as a web app in the browser, and I also want to quick switch to it. It’s a little tricky because Hammerspoon doesn’t have API for third party applications such as Chrome. So we need JXA to help with this. JXA is that using Javascript to complete some automation in OS X. Here is my solution:

function chrome_active_tab_with_name(name)
    return function()
            // below is javascript code
            var chrome = Application('Google Chrome');
            var wins = chrome.windows;

            // loop tabs to find a web page with a title of <name>
            function main() {
                for (var i = 0; i < wins.length; i++) {
                    var win = wins.at(i);
                    var tabs = win.tabs;
                    for (var j = 0; j < tabs.length; j++) {
                    var tab = tabs.at(j);
                    tab.title(); j;
                    if (tab.title().indexOf(']] .. name .. [[') > -1) {
                            win.activeTabIndex = j + 1;
            // end of javascript

--- Use
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "H", chrome_active_tab_with_name("HipChat"))

Snap windows to the edges of the screen, and resize it!

I used Spectacle to achieve this until I discovered Hammerspoon. Why do I need one more application when I can use Hammerspoon to achieve it?

Here is my solution. When I press the shortcut keys it will move the window and their sizes intuitively.

function move(dir)
    return function()
        local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
        local frame = win:frame()
        local screenFrame = win:screen():frame()
        frame = win:screen():absoluteToLocal(frame)
        screenFrame = win:screen():absoluteToLocal(screenFrame)
        local x = frame.x
        local y = frame.y
        local w = frame.w
        local h = frame.h
        if dir == 'right' then
            if x < 0 then -- negative left
                frame.x = 0
            elseif x == 0 then -- attach to left
                if w < screenFrame.w * 1 / 4 then -- win width less than 25%
                    frame.w = screenFrame.w * 1 / 4
                elseif w < math.floor(screenFrame.w * 1 / 3) then -- win with less than 33%
                    frame.w = math.floor(screenFrame.w * 1 / 3)
                elseif w < screenFrame.w * 1 / 2 then -- win width less than 50%
                    frame.w = screenFrame.w * 1 / 2
                elseif w < screenFrame.w * 3 / 4 then -- win with less than 75%
                    frame.w = screenFrame.w * 3 / 4
                    frame.x = screenFrame.w * 1 / 4
                    frame.w = screenFrame.w * 3 / 4
            elseif x < screenFrame.w / 2 then -- win on the left side
                frame.x = screenFrame.w / 2
                frame.w = screenFrame.w / 2
            elseif x >= screenFrame.w / 2 and x < math.floor(screenFrame.w * 2 / 3) then -- win left edge in 50% - 66%
                frame.x = math.floor(screenFrame.w * 2 / 3)
                frame.w = math.floor(screenFrame.w * 1 / 3)
            elseif x >= math.floor(screenFrame.w * 2 / 3) and x < screenFrame.w * 3 / 4 then -- win left edge in 66% - 75%
                frame.x = screenFrame.w * 3 / 4
                frame.w = screenFrame.w * 1 / 4
        elseif dir == 'left' then
            if x + w > screenFrame.w  then -- negative right
                frame.x = screenFrame.w - w
            elseif x + w == screenFrame.w then -- attach to right
                if w < screenFrame.w * 1 / 4 then -- win width less than 25%
                    frame.w = screenFrame.w * 1 / 4
                    frame.x = screenFrame.w - frame.w
                elseif w < math.floor(screenFrame.w * 1 / 3) then -- win with less than 33%
                    frame.w = math.floor(screenFrame.w * 1 / 3)
                    frame.x = screenFrame.w - frame.w
                elseif w < screenFrame.w * 1 / 2 then -- win width less than 50%
                    frame.w = screenFrame.w * 1 / 2
                    frame.x = screenFrame.w - frame.w
                elseif w < screenFrame.w * 3 / 4 then -- win with less than 75%
                    frame.w = screenFrame.w * 3 / 4
                    frame.x = screenFrame.w - frame.w
                    frame.x = 0
                    frame.w = screenFrame.w * 3 / 4
            elseif x > screenFrame.w / 2 then -- win on the right side
                frame.x = 0
                frame.w = screenFrame.w / 2
            elseif x > 0 then -- win on left side
                frame.x = 0
            elseif w > screenFrame.w / 2 then -- win larger than 50%
                frame.w = screenFrame.w * 1 / 2
            elseif w > math.floor(screenFrame.w * 1 / 3) then -- win larger than 33%
                frame.w = math.floor(screenFrame.w * 1 / 3)
            elseif w > screenFrame.w * 1 / 4 then -- win larger than 25%
                frame.w = screenFrame.w * 1 / 4
        elseif dir == 'up' then
            if y == screenFrame.y then -- attach to top
                if h >= screenFrame.h / 2 then
                    frame.h = screenFrame.h / 2
            elseif y + h == screenFrame.h + screenFrame.y then -- attach to bottom
                frame.y = 0
                frame.h = screenFrame.h
                frame.y = 0
        elseif dir == 'down' then
            if y + h == screenFrame.h + screenFrame.y then -- attach to bottom
                if h >= screenFrame.h / 2 then
                    frame.h = screenFrame.h / 2
                    frame.y = screenFrame.h - frame.h + screenFrame.y
            elseif y == screenFrame.y then -- attach to top
                frame.y = 0
                frame.h = screenFrame.h
            elseif y + h > screenFrame.h then -- overflow bottom do nothing
                frame.y = screenFrame.h - h + 22
        frame = win:screen():localToAbsolute(frame)

--- window
hs.window.animationDuration = 0
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "cmd"}, "Right", move('right'))
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "cmd"}, "Left", move('left'))

Move windows between multiple monitors

This function is awfully useful for people with multiple monitors.

function send_window_prev_monitor()
  local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
  local nextScreen = win:screen():previous()
  function send_window_next_monitor()
  local win = hs.window.focusedWindow()
  local nextScreen = win:screen():next()

Quick switch Chrome users, or open incognito mode

Another killer feature. If you have multiple user profiles on Chrome (e.g. Work vs. Personal), it could be hard for you to find the correct window. Here is a solution:

function chrome_switch_to(ppl)
    return function()
        hs.application.launchOrFocus("Google Chrome")
        local chrome = hs.appfinder.appFromName("Google Chrome")
        local str_menu_item
        if ppl == "Incognito" then
            str_menu_item = {"File", "New Incognito Window"}
            str_menu_item = {"People", ppl}
        local menu_item = chrome:findMenuItem(str_menu_item)
        if (menu_item) then

--- open different Chrome users
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "1", chrome_switch_to("Personal"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "2", chrome_switch_to("Work"))
hs.hotkey.bind({"alt"}, "`", chrome_switch_to("Incognito"))

Put computer to sleep mode

Closing the lid is an option. Here is an alternative if you don’t want to slap it.

hs.hotkey.bind({"control", "alt", "command"}, "DELETE", sleep)

When connected to work Wifi, mute the computer to avoid awkward moment

Sometimes when I accidentally click a Youtube video at office, the loud music will make everyone staring at me. To avoid such moment, I can setup a water for Wifi, so that whenever the computer connects to the work Wifi, it will mute itself if it’s using default output speaker.

local workWifi = 'Work-wifi'
local outputDeviceName = 'Built-in Output'
    local currentWifi = hs.wifi.currentNetwork()
    local currentOutput = hs.audiodevice.current(false)
    if not currentWifi then return end
    if (currentWifi == workWifi and currentOutput.name == outputDeviceName) then

Add a quick new reminder

I spent a lot of time on this recipe. It is very useful to me as I am a heavy user of Apple’s Reminder app. It is a built-in app and yet powerful. However, it doesn’t provide very many options on shortcuts. With JXA, I can create a workflow so that I can add a quick reminder with remind time to any list I have.

function addReminder()
        var current = Application.currentApplication();
        current.includeStandardAdditions = true;
        var app = Application('Reminders');
        app.includeStandardAdditions = true;

        var td = new Date(); 

        var dateMap = {
            'Tonight': (function() { var d = new Date(); d.setHours(19, 0, 0, 0); return d; })(),
            'Tomorrow morning': (function() { var d = new Date(); d.setHours(10, 0, 0, 0); d.setHours(d.getHours() + 24); return d; })(),
            'Tomorrow night': (function() { var d = new Date(); d.setHours(19, 0, 0, 0); d.setHours(d.getHours() + 24); return d; })(),
            'This saturday': new Date(td.getFullYear(), td.getMonth(), td.getDate() + (6 - td.getDay()), 10, 0, 0, 0),
            'This sunday': new Date(td.getFullYear(), td.getMonth(), td.getDate() + (7 - td.getDay()), 10, 0, 0, 0) 

        try {
            var content = current.displayDialog('Create a new Reminder', {
                defaultAnswer: '',
                buttons: ['Next', 'Cancel'],
                defaultButton: 'Next',
                cancelButton: 'Cancel',
                withTitle: 'New Reminder',
                withIcon: Path('/Applications/Reminders.app/Contents/Resources/icon.icns')
            var list = current.chooseFromList(['TO DO', 'TO BUY', 'TO WATCH'], {
                withTitle: 'List Selection',
                withPrompt: 'Which list?',
                defaultItems: ['TO DO'],
                okButtonName: 'Next',
                cancelButtonName: 'Cancel',
                multipleSelectionsAllowed: false,
                emptySelectionAllowed: false
            var remindDate = current.chooseFromList(Object.keys(dateMap), {
                withTitle: 'Due Date Selection',
                withPrompt: 'When?',
                okButtonName: 'OK',
                cancelButtonName: 'Cancel',
                multipleSelectionsAllowed: false,
                emptySelectionAllowed: true
            var remindMeDate = remindDate.length === 1 ? dateMap[ remindDate[0] ] : null;
            var entry = app.Reminder({
                name: content.textReturned,
                remindMeDate: remindMeDate
        } catch (err) {}

--- Use
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "R", addReminder)

Create a keyboard macro

As a Javascript developer who is not good at debugging, I spent 10% of my coding time typing console.log. The following snippet allows me to type that text with a combo of shortcuts, without using any additional applications.

function keyStrokes(str)
    return function()
hs.hotkey.bind({"ctrl", "alt", "cmd"}, "L", keyStrokes("console.log("))

You can find all of my configurations HERE